Sunday 21 October 2012

Winter Wonderland

The view from our deck this afternoon.
October 21, 2012

Sunrise: 10:25 am
Sunset: 6:50 pm
Temps: -4'C - -12'C

The snow showed up two weeks ago. It's dry and fluffy, and accumulating already.

Icicles all around the edges of the roof.

Temperatures have been just a few degrees below freezing, but the shallower lakes are already frozen over. Skidoos are out en masse, people are out for walks, and generally the town seems to be enjoying these mild, early winter days.

Cross-country skiing with friends.

We ventured out on the cross-country ski trails this weekend. At this stage, because of all the shrubs and bumps, the trails feel more appropriate for snowshoes than skis, but it was great to pull the gear out of storage nonetheless.

We have to take advantage of the daylight that we have left. At this time of year, our days are shortening quickly, by about 1 hour per week! Sunrise is already late in the morning (10:30am), although we are lucky to still have a few hours of light after work.

Beautiful sunset this evening. Sky is clear - northern lights tonight?

In addition to the increasing darkness, another novelty that we get to experience is a sunset in a different location every night! The sun is rising less and less high in the sky every day, and its time above the horizon is getting noticeably shorter.

It's part of the Arctic experience!

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