Sunday 14 October 2012

Camping, Northern Style

Sunset at the Yukon/NWT border.
October 14, 2012

Sunrise: 9:57 am
Sunset: 7:20 pm
Temps: -4'C - 9'C

Our Thanksgiving weekend involved a quick trip to the NWT/Yukon border, for a canvas tent camping experience with friends. We watched a beaver along the side of the highway, got some ptarmigan for dinner and spotted the first of the winter's snow in the Richardson Mountains.

Canvas tent - a favourite amongst the locals.

A tent with a stove! Luxury.

Mounds of sleeping bags = endless toddler fun.



  1. Hi!

    I accidently discovered your blog and i find it amazing! I couldn't stop reading it! :)

    I am curious, people go camping and hiking so often in Inuvik, but there must be a lot of wild animals in tundra - wolves, bears, etc. Could it be a real danger?

    1. Hi Igor,

      Thanks for the feedback!
      Yes, it is true that we must always consider the realities of wildlife and to take precautions when we enjoy the outdoors. However, I think it is rare that there are serious confrontations with wild animals - often they are more scared of us than we are of them! In all my time enjoying the backcountry, I have rarely seen any large animals up close, or felt threatened by them. I generally don't lose sleep at night because of this (mosquitos are likely to be a greater problem) but I do keep the bear spray close. :)


    2. Thanks a lot for reply!

      I hope to visit and see this amazing area myself one day or even maybe if they need computer guys up there, to stay for a while :))

      Have a good one!

