Monday 17 September 2012

Harvest time!

September 17th, 2012
Sunrise: 8:19 am
Sunset: 9:19 pm
Temps: 4 - 15'C

Finally, it was time to reap what we sowed, to gather the fruits of our labour, to get our come-uppins. You get what I mean. It was time to uproot what was left of the garden plot. It was a yummy endeavour, as seen below.

The bounty from our little plot, clock-wise from left: beets, beet greens, swiss chard, kale, mint, parsley, a few beans, little carrots, rhubarb, and and baby tomatoes. Also, from a friend's plot, 2 special guests: wee little cabbages.

Bags o' greens. This is the swiss chard, now blanched and frozen.

Sweet bursts of tomatoey goodness.
Wee little carrots, but oh-so-tasty.

Rhubarb stalks.

An international salad: beet, orange, lemon, and poppy seed.

A local dessert: Wild blueberries, wild cranberries, not-so-wild rhubarb and a touch of BC honey. Yum!!

And you thought you couldn't grow vegetables in the Arctic. Pfff!

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