Sunday 30 September 2012

Beautiful Fall Weather

September 30, 2012

Sunrise: 9:06 am
Sunset: 8:19 pm

Temps: 1-4'C

We have experienced some (apparently) unseasonably warm days this September. While seasonal averages this time of year are generally just hovering above freezing, we have seen many sunny days in the mid- to high-teens. This lovely weather has prompted continued walks, bike rides, and berry picking excursions, as well as another camping trip to Campbell Lake.

Natou gathering firewood with the help of the zodiac, with a view of the escarpment in the background.

Our tent, fly-less, to observe the plentiful stars at night.

Rose hips, made sweet by the first frosts.
Did I mention the weather was gorgeous?
The leaves are all but gone.
Checking out a local cabin.
A little hike to the escarpment.
Relaxing by the fire (and the bear spray).

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