Sunday 19 August 2012

Exploring the Mackenzie River Delta

August 19, 2012
Sunrise: 6:29 am
Sunset:  11:27 pm
Temps: 11 - 23'C

If you live in Inuvik long enough, you are bound to purchase 2 things: a skidoo and a boat. These vehicles afford you the ability to explore where no automobile can go. And given that we, in Inuvik, really are at the end of the road, getting out and about somehow is a must. So Natou brought up our 12-foot zodiac.

 The Mackenzie River Delta is a maze of river ways and lakes of all sizes. You may recall this picture to this left, taken in late June. Here, the Mackenzie River is in flood, muddying the waters and blurring the line between river and lake.

This picture, to the right, is one of the channels that links Airport Lake (above, right) with the east arm of the Mackenzie River. The water levels have dropped considerably and the water is now much clearer.

That said, things can still be pretty mucky! The edges of the river channels are bush and steep banks, making it hard to find a choice spot to pull over. In other places, you have more space, but are likely to encounter sandal-sucking, slippery mud. (It adds another element to the adventure!)

The best bet is to go bare foot - a nice Arctic mud spa experience.

Of course, the going is best in the boat! Here is my captain, en-route on a delta adventure under the hot Arctic sun.

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