Sunday 26 August 2012

Camping on Campbell Lake

August 26, 2012
Sunrise 6:58 am
Sunset: 10:50 pm
Temps: 10 - 17'C

After a wonderful first-anniversary camping weekend on Campbell Lake...well, why not do it again? The weather forecast was decent, friends were interested, and off we went.

Campbell Lake is a large lake about 40 km South of Inuvik on the Dempster Highway. We've enjoyed this spot a few times before. Gwich'in Park, on the East shore of the lake, offers camping, fishing and lounging in the sun.

The crew had already set up camp on the West shore of the lake, across from Gwich'in Park. I was later in arriving, having volunteered for one of the Greenhouse BINGO fundraisers (which, for me, was an important cultural immersion event). The boys came to fetch me, and we cruised across the calm lake to our camp.

The conditions for camping were, again, perfect. Calm and warm, with few bugs.

We enjoyed the sunset, campfire, snacks, drinks and company. The post-sunset darkening skies were almost an oddity for us, having gotten used to the 24-hour Northern summer light. At about 2 am, the skies were dark enough to see stars, and for a special treat, we enjoyed a glimpse of Northern Lights and even a shooting star.

We had a lazy morning, with drizzle and light winds.

Much to my kiter-husband's delight, the winds picked up, and soon we were water-bound! Kite surfing in Inuvik has thus far been a challenge, with winds being light and inconsistent. This day, however, I had a very happy husband.

Back in Inuvik, we cleaned up and headed to the Greenhouse for a little "End of the Vine" party, complete with live music, appetizers, drinks and prizes.

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