Saturday 19 January 2013

Cold days, hot entertainment

January 13, 2013

Sunrise: 12:37 pm
Sunset: 3:29'C

Temps: -20'C - -32'C

Well, it's a wee bit chillier these days, with temps in the 20s or 30s (people don't even bother saying the "minus" here) and with windchills bringing things close to -40'C.

However, people around here find ways to cope and stay warm. Part of that involves enjoying cozy indoor spaces.

Featured here is the local "Igloo" church, where I have already had the good fortune of enjoying a few concerts.

Inuvik recently saw the return of the sun on January 6th (well, in theory anyways - it was a cloudy day). To mark the end of the sunless 5 weeks, there is an annual Sunrise Festival, complete with activities, a bonfire and fireworks. These I missed, as I was still enroute back to Inuvik. Fortunately, however, one part of the festival was saved for the following weekend - a concert with Juno award winning singer "Lights."

How wonderful to have such talent visit this tiny town! She put on a great accoustic show, amazed everyone with her fantastic voice, and had fun with the audience (that filled the church). The accoustics in the building were great, and people commented that in this setting she sounded even better than the electronic performances that she is known for. Apparently she is releasing an accoustic album.

For more info on "Lights" and her Inuvik show, see the links below.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched a video she made while up there! and then I look at your blog because I noticed you commented on your mom's Facebook post and I see the same igloo church and it's all about you seeing Lights there. Crazy.
