Sunday 8 July 2012

Greenhouse Update

My plot in May
July 8th, 2012
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset: N/A
Temps: 21 - 27 'C

I promised you an update of what's happening at the Inuvik Community Greenhouse. Less than 2 months ago, plots lay bare, and only a few ambitious members had started preparing their soil for the growing season. You may recall the picture of my plot at that time (right).

My plot in early July

Many weeks of continuous 24 hour sunlight later, we have a lot of growth in the greenhouse! Members have been enjoying a variety of fresh herbs, and green leafies of all sorts: kale, chard, spinach, lettuce, beet greens. I have a bit of an overabundance actually, and have already had to resort to blanching and freezing some of the crop.

A very full and busy greenhouse!

A cool day in the greenhouse - some days it hits 40'C!!

A ginormous set of sunflower plants!!

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