Saturday 16 June 2012

Fishing under the midnight sun

June 16, 2012
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset: N/A
Temps: 12-24 'C

The Eastern edge of Campbell Lake
 "Want to go fishing?"



"Now?" (It's already 8:30 pm)

In the land of the midnight sun, you can go fishing any time you like. By 10:00 pm, we had driven South, had the boat on the water and were heading downstream to Campbell Lake.
Leaving the bugs behind with a 40-horse pro
 It was a beautiful evening: sunny, calm and warm. Being mid-June, however, this calmness did present a tiny but significant challenge. Bugs.

In town I've only had a few mosquito bites so far, but out on the water I got a taste of what Northern bugs could be like. Or rather, I should say that the Northern bugs got a taste of us!

On the boat, we didn't stay in one spot too long. When the bugs got too bad, we turned on the motor, got some speed and moved to a new spot.

We did have a bit of luck fishing. A few Pike took the bite, like this one on the right, but we released them.

Meanwhile, the bugs got worse. Look closely at the picture of Gen (left), doing a "bug meditation," and you can see them swarming around.

We had no bug dope or bug hats, only hoodies! Time to go! With the boat moving at some speed, we were free to relax and enjoy the scenery. The midnight sun was low on the horizon, and a bit of cloud cover was cooling things off.

Next time, I'll come better prepared.

I went downtown today and picked up some bug dope and some sunscreen. My bug shirt and hat are now also unpacked and ready for my next out-of-town adventure!

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