Saturday 16 June 2012

Fishing under the midnight sun

June 16, 2012
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset: N/A
Temps: 12-24 'C

The Eastern edge of Campbell Lake
 "Want to go fishing?"



"Now?" (It's already 8:30 pm)

In the land of the midnight sun, you can go fishing any time you like. By 10:00 pm, we had driven South, had the boat on the water and were heading downstream to Campbell Lake.
Leaving the bugs behind with a 40-horse pro
 It was a beautiful evening: sunny, calm and warm. Being mid-June, however, this calmness did present a tiny but significant challenge. Bugs.

In town I've only had a few mosquito bites so far, but out on the water I got a taste of what Northern bugs could be like. Or rather, I should say that the Northern bugs got a taste of us!

On the boat, we didn't stay in one spot too long. When the bugs got too bad, we turned on the motor, got some speed and moved to a new spot.

We did have a bit of luck fishing. A few Pike took the bite, like this one on the right, but we released them.

Meanwhile, the bugs got worse. Look closely at the picture of Gen (left), doing a "bug meditation," and you can see them swarming around.

We had no bug dope or bug hats, only hoodies! Time to go! With the boat moving at some speed, we were free to relax and enjoy the scenery. The midnight sun was low on the horizon, and a bit of cloud cover was cooling things off.

Next time, I'll come better prepared.

I went downtown today and picked up some bug dope and some sunscreen. My bug shirt and hat are now also unpacked and ready for my next out-of-town adventure!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Booting around the Boot Lake Trail

June 13, 2012
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset: N/A
Temps: 5 - 16'C   

Now that everything is green and it has gotten warm, I am really enjoying the Boot Lake Trail (aka the Jimmy Adams Peace Trail), which starts near my apartment building. I can make it around the lake in about 45 minutes, and I can also take part of the trail on my way to and from work. Enjoy the pictures!

Inuvik's contribution to the Trans-Canada Trail

Most of the North side of the trail is boardwalk

One of a few bridges along the trail

Lots of pretty flowers

The Lupins are doing well

Still a wee bit of flooding on the East end, but this Luppens is also doing well

Still a bit of mud therapy to be had - but it's drying up quickly!

Sunday 10 June 2012

A taste of the Dempster Highway

June 10, 2012
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset: N/A
Temps: 7 -21'C
Green, and getting greener

Nearing Fort McPherson, with the Richardson Mts in the distance
Last week, I went on "duty travel" to Fort McPherson and Tsiigetchic, two Gwich'in First Nation communities South of Inuvik along the Dempster Highway. When you ask how long it takes to get there, everyone will give you a different answer, based on highway conditions, ferry experiences and personal preferences for driving speeds. I'd like to believe that I don't drive like a total grannie and was sufficiently pleased with my arrival in McPherson in 2.5 hours. Then I learned that some locals do it in 1 hour and 20 minutes, and that struck fear into my heart.
View of Tsiigetchic and Arctic Red River, with the Mackenzie
River on the left.

I was pleasantly surprised at the 186 km between Inuvik and McPherson. I had expected to see little but scrubby little trees and flat land between the two communities, but I was rewarded by countless rivers and lakes, sneak previews of the Richardson Mountains, and big, dramatic skies. I think this bodes well (the Dempster supposedly gets even more dramatic and scenic once you enter the Richardson ranges beyond McPherson).
6 cranes along the drying banks of the MacKenzie River

I was hopeful to see bear, moose, caribou or other large mammals, as the roadsigns "Lynx Creek" and "Moose Lake" implied, but the animals I saw were of a smaller variety. Along a stretch of highway, I saw 9 and 1/2 rabbits (the last one had unexpectantly dropped to the bottom of the food chain), and 7 or 8 cranes. These may have been sandhill cranes, and, if you look closely, you will see a half dozen in the picture to the right. For more info, check out the following links:
Ferry that takes passengers over the Mackenzie River

The Dempster highway has two ferry crossings, one South of Fort McPherson over the Peel River, and the other near Tsiigetchic, over the Mackenzie River. This latter ferry also shuttles vehicles to Tsiigetchic, which is situated on the Eastern bank of the Arctic Red River, opposite the highway. It's a quick ferry ride, with pretty views and helpful staff (i.e. when I learned that I would have to back my huge work truck off the ferry onto soft, wet gravelly dirt, one worker kindly drove truck for this damsel in distress).

Driving into Tsiigetchic. Arctic Red River on the right.

While I was in Fort McPherson and Tsiigetchic, I found myself quite busy, with no time to take photos. However, another Inuvikian has an online photobook of Tsiigetchic that you can access at:

Work done, I was back on the ferry and on my way back to Inuvik, over the long, dusty and lonely Dempster Highway. I've now seen a little bit of this famous highway, and I look forward to exploring it all the way to Dawson City in the coming months.

Sunday 3 June 2012

What's there to do in Inuvik?

Tuesday's night's thunderstorm rolling in - it was fantastic!
June 3rd, 2012
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset: N/A
Temps: 1-11'C

What is there to do in Inuvik? If you have access to a snowmobile and boat, you can get around just about anywhere in the Mackenzie River delta to camp, hunt, fish, etc. However, even without a vehicle, I find that my days are quite full with daily activities around town.

Here's what I did this past week (aside from work):

Checking out the goods at the tailgate sale on Saturday.

Monday: took part in a clothing-swap at the Greenhouse

Tuesday: participated in my last painting class (of 6) at Aurora College

Wednesday: went to Kundalini yoga at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex 

Thursday: participated in Gymboss at the college, and then went to the Mackenzie Hotel for dinner
The greenhouse plant sale - 1000s of plants sold in a few hours!

Friday: played squash at the rec center, and then bought some herbs member's only plant sale at the Inuvik Community Greenhouse.

Saturday: checked out the annual Inuvik Spring "Tailgate" garage sale in the rec center parking lot and volunteered for the annual Greenhouse plant sale

Sunday: played squash and went for a hike on the "ski trails" (now snow-free)

By the way, things are really growing in the greenhouse plots. Stayed tuned for a progress report....