Friday 6 April 2012

The little town of Inuvik

It wasn't like I was looking for a job in the Arctic. It just sort of ... happened. And thanks to some creative juggling and a supportive husband, here I am in little Inuvik.

(Google maps, 2012)

Inuvik's not big, but it's little, and that's sort of nice. With only about 3500 people, it does have a lot to offer, and I am thrilled that the hospital, the rec center, the cross-country ski club, the grocery stores and the greenhouse are all within a 5 - 10 minute walk from my apartment building. If you prefer, you could take a taxi - it's a flat rate of $5.00 anywhere in town. Or you could hitch a ride on a passing snowmobile - even young kids are driving those things around town.

(My apartment building)

(Map of Inuvik, showing my apartment in pink, and points of interest to me in yellow. Adapted from

It's only early April but the days are long already, with sunrise before 8 am and sunset around 10 pm. That said, the days seem even longer than that, given that the light lingers longer in this flat land. Coming from the South, the combination of abundant daylight and cold temperatures seems strange to me. While it's been as cold as minus 33'C since I've been here, today's temperature of 0 'C is thrilling, and I'm happy to take my solar-powered energy outside!

(Muskrat Jamboree activities on the East arm of the Mackenzie River)

With an inaugural skate ski around the local cross-country ski trails, I enjoyed an extended period of time outside today. Prior to this weekend, I've been skuttling from one overheated indoor space to another. That said, there's lots of indoor fun: there is a 24-hour fitness center (finally! I can scratch that 3:00 am fitness itch!), several yoga classes, and regular dinner parties. I also look forward to playing squash, getting my hands dirty in the community greenhouse, joining one of the local ladies' bookclubs, and taking part in more community events. The Muskrat Jamboree last weekend involved a big community feast at the rec center, lots of funny games, drum dancing and jigging, TV bingo, and many raffles. The highlight for me was the two and a half year old boy from Tuktoyuktuk who was drum dancing. ADORABLE!!

(aww... this little toddler stole the show. He would go shake people's hands after his dances, too.)

Stay tuned for more Arctic fun! I'm aiming to post about once per week or so.

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