Saturday 29 December 2012

The long road home...

Driving across the frozen Mackenzie River

December 29th, 2012

Inuvik temps: -21'C - -26'C
Terrace temps: -4'C - -6'C

Inuvik sunrise: Not applicable
Inuvik sunset: Not applicable

Terrace sunrise: :8:56 am
Terrace sunset: 4:16 pm

Looking back at our crossing over the river.

In late November, we packed up the Taco, threw the bikes on the roof, and set out from Inuvik for the 2600 km long drive to Terrace. It was between -15'C and -20'C when we departed.

The sunrise/sunset.

On the 3-day journey we crossed 2 frozen rivers (the Mackenzie and the Peel), encountered bitterly cold temperatures and saw the sun rise higher in the sky as we drove further and further South.

Nearing the Richardson Mountains.

The first night, we stayed in Dawson City, which was noticeably quieter and less populated than when we visited in mid-July. Despite plugging in the truck, after a night with -40 something temperatures, the Taco struggled to start in the morning.

Our loaded, trusty steed.

Surprisingly, as we continued further South, we encountered even colder temperatures at Pelly Crossing, where it was -47'C when we rolled through. On the positive side, it was already warmer than it had been earlier that day, where they had experienced a frosty morning of  -51'C! (BWT, despite being much further North, these types of temperatures are not common in Inuvik, for which I am eternally grateful.)

Crossing through the Richardson Mountains.

Our second night, we stayed with friends in Whitehorse, where good food, wine and games warmed up the -30'C night. (Thanks Amanda, Kaya and Gareth!) The next day we got up early, put in a good 15 hours, and arrived in Terrace safe and sound. Much thanks to the travel gods and all those who wished us safe travels!