Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Great Inuvik Craft Fair

November 27th, 2012

Sunrise: 12:20 pm
Sunset: 3:02 pm

Temps: -16'C to -30'C

Just in time for Christmas, Inuvik hosted the annual craft fair this past weekend. Friday night was absolute madness, but here are some pictures from a less crowded Sunday afternoon.

Marja Van Nieuwenhuisen and her dyed and recycled wearables.

Fur mitts, and brooches; beaded slippers and cardholders

Knives and "ulus," the Inuit multipurpose knife.

My indulgence: wearable art made by an elder from Sach's Harbour.  These moose hid slippers feature beaver fur trim and amazing bead work. I love them!!


Sunday 25 November 2012

A Visit to the High Arctic

Boarding our plane at 9:00am in Inuvik.
November 25th, 2012

Sunrise: 12:08 pm
Sunset: 3:13 pm

Temps: -16'C to -24'C

For work this past week, I went to Paulatuk, a high Arctic community of about 300 Inuvialuit people. Here are a few pictures of the trip.
Sunrise in Paulatuk. Or was is sunset? Oh, right, it's the same thing.
Standard Paulatuk house and vehicle.
The local church.
A boat frozen into the sea ice.
Local husky pup eager to befriend me.
Baby on board! This Inuvialuit woman is "packing" her baby in the local way.
She put her winter jacket on over top and left on her "bike" (ATV).
Flying back to Inuvik, with the last rays of light fading behind the Richardson Mountains.

Chilly ski, warm cabin, hot sauna

Early, colourful sunsets every afternoon...
November 18th, 2012

Sunrise: 11:32 am
Sunset: 3:47 pm

Temps: -21'C to -27'C

The days are awfully short now, and the temperatures quite cold, but still the urge exists to go play outside. Here are some pix from a couple recent cross-country ski outings.
Temperatures are now pretty chilly, but these little birds don't seem to mind...
This little guy is having some lunch.

Setting out for a moonlit, lakeside cross-country ski.
We got to our destination pretty frosty!
The cabin was warm, the sauna was hot, and the food was yummy.

Friday 2 November 2012

Lunchtime Sunrise

The view from the deck, with alpenglow on the Richardson Mtns.
November 2nd, 2012

Sunrise: 11:15 am
Sunset: 5:54 pm
Temps: -11'C - -20'C

Today was simply stunning. It had snowed for days, and finally we had clear skies, albeit with colder temperatures. The light was beautiful, dancing on the fresh snow and hoar frost. Here are some pictures from my walk back from lunch.

Beautiful trees a little ways up the street.
The sun cruising the horizon.

A quick peak at Boot Lake, covered in snow and skidoo tracks.

The trail towards the hospital. Lots of Arctic Hare foot prints.

A little Dr.Seuss plant covered in snow and frost.